Ndugu Ssemakula asked me a question, which I thought was honest and worth answering.  While I do recognize that you cannot control the manner in which people discuss an issue that is out in the public domain, I must express my extreme discomfort and dismay at being associated with debates that degenerate into ethnic-bashing. 
That just isn't the way I was taught to look at the world. And in any case, I really do believe in the power of persuasion and in defeating a bad idea by cold logic or shining a light in dark corners, and not loopy, pent-up prejudices that tend to bleed into every thread of discussion.  It's inefficient, counterproductive, unenlightening, dishonest, uncivilized, and small-minded.
Who the cap fit, let them wear it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the culture of the region?

Given that I made no comment but merely asked a question about an article that appeared in a local daily, how can you tell 'how' or what I think? And, how does Buganda come into this?

FYI here is the article. You might even notice that I did not write it and that it was written by one Dennis Ojwee, a name that is unlikely to be a Kiganda name.

You may want direct your vitriol elsewhere. It'd also be best to comment on those threads that you have followed, rather than making unwarranted remarks mid-stream, so to speak.


From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the culture of the region?
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:03:09 +0000

By Dennis Ojwee

JOSEPH Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) massacred
34 civilians using pangas and sticks at Biwang near
Gere-gere, Omot sub-county, Agago county in Pader
district on Tuesday night.

A witness said one of the dead was chopped into pieces
and put in a big pot to be cooked.
The rebels wanted the villagers to eat the body parts
as a punishment for allowing one of their captives to
escape into Lalur-Onywal village with their gun.
Fortunately, the UPDF arrived in armoured cars and
dispersed the rebels.
The UPDF overall intelligence officer for the northern
operations against Kony, Lt. Col. Charles Otema
-Awany, told journalists in his Gulu office on Tuesday
that the motive of the massacre had not been
established. He said the rebels were about 30.
This brings to 49, the number of civilians massacred.
Eight were killed using pangas and others
beaten into ‘pulp’ by the LRA before and soon after
Joseph Kony ordered mass killing of the Acholi on
October 20 in a message intercepted by the UPDF.
Kony ordered the massacre of the Acholi starting with
his own relatives in Palaro parish, Odek sub-count! ! y in
Omoro, east of Gulu town.
On the same day, the LRA killed eight civilians by
hitting them on the heads at Coo-Pil.
Two more civilians were killed at Corner Ojaa, about
60km on Gulu-Moroto road, 4km to Acet camp in Odek
sub-county in Gulu. The two were said to be students
of Pajule Technical School, Aruu county in Pader.
Following the massacre in Pader, local security
sources said one rebel escaped with a gun and the
rebels trailed him to his village at Biwang. Rebels
also killed a pastor at Lalogi recently.
The army spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza, said the
army had asked civilians to leave the villages and go
to areas with UPDF protection to avoid such killings
by the LRA, but that the plan had been bogged down by
some area MPs in Pader.
He said the MPs were advising civilians against moving
into safe camps.
In July, the rebels killed 52 civilians at Mucwini in
Kitgum on similar claims that some rebe! ls! had fled to
the villages with guns.

Published on: Thursd ay, 24th October, 2002

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Lisa Toro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the culture of the region?
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 07:44:50 +0100
That shows how semakula and many Ugandans who think like him does not know
much about Uganda as AS A COUNTRY But knows UGANDA ONLY AS BUGANDA.
I remember being told during my school age that there were man eating
communities on Mt. Elgon!!!. You are dum right it scares one stiff. Even in
later years when i went to school there, i was very careful about my
friendships and i would not venture our of the school gates without familiar
company. But later i found it to be pure rubbish because other students were
escaping going into mountains and coming back having enjoyed themselves with
drinks, fruits etc courtesy of the locals who should have eaten them!!!
For people who know more about cultures, they will tell you that it was a
common way of keeping childern in check and caucious about what they do,
especially going to new and unfamilar places. There were stories of man
eaters even from Rwenzori, the "zimamotor" who would drain your blood if you
enter their car!. Just last week there was an article of a corpse eater in
Buganda or Busoga? Lets open our minds before we jump blowing goffio.
This is the second war M7 and NRA/M are said to be fighting DECEPTION!!! The
great NRA/M weapon on ignorant population mixed of the so call elites and
illiterates. But people who are facing for donkey years it are not stupid,
they have worked out the scrumble mess and knows exactly what message it is
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the culture of the
> Mw. Ssemakula,
> To the best of my knowledge, cannibalism has not been a
> practice in the rituals and diet of the peoples of northern
> Uganda.
> However, back in the days, it was common for parents to keep
> their children in line or scare them from straying too far
> into the unknown with tales of man-eating communities hailing
> from what is today southern Sudan. I remember clearly how my
> elders used to show us a mountain named Kanyabadrilatra
> (literally, the two-headed-cannibal), across the border in
> Sudan, where the flesh-eaters allegedly dwelled.
> You bet we were scared stiff. Years later, I lived in Sudan,
> and had the opportunity to travel through the so-called
> cannibal territory, including the eponymous mountain. I
> found no saber-toothed Nearndathal there. If this practice
> existed at all, even in the margins of our societies, it was
> possibly in the far distant past.
> vukoni
> ---- Original message ----
> >Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:03:09 +0000
> >From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: ugnet_: Vukoni - Kony Eats People. Is it the
> culture of the region?
> >

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