
Many of us are now looking beyond "Musevenism", defined here as enjoyment to kill at will and for ever in the interest of personal/family wealth and political power. Soon the Museveni dictatoriship will fall, just like Amin's collapsed like a deck of cards in 1979!

From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:41:38 -0500

Netters can we please raise the level of the discourse on this forum? Uganda's future is bigger than the Obotes and Amins of this world. People are wasting time defending the indefensible. The facts, whether we want to believe it or not are that Obote and Amin Presided over some of the most brutal times of Uganda's history and they are responsible for that. So those of you trying to defend their records, do it in vanity, 'cos the facts are there and they are overwhelming, even hitler did some good things for Germany but that does not exonerate him from the crimes that he was responsible for. What Uganda needs is a complete break from that nigtmarish past. For those of you clamouring for democracy, Uganda does not need "Obote" like democracy or "Amin" like democracy, what Uganda needs is a new dispensation, with new and positive ideas that will move the country forward. But what we keep getting on this forum is a continual defense of the past wrongs and this coming from those who claim they are for democracy, by association alone such people disqualify themselves. Can't some of you think beyond Obote and Amin? Is "Oboteism" and "Aminism" the begining and the end of your philosphy? These two leaders belong to the unfortunate past, it is time to move on.

From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:45:17 -0400

As we who were young at those times

Did UPC come to power for individuals did everything possible to bring it to power, or because Ugandans elected it? For knowing the answer to that question, one can know the strength of Mwaami Ssemakula's statement, or its you know what!!


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Kironde
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 9:29 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office

“…. Whatever the case, nothing can alter the fact that Obote massacred Ugandans, just as did Idi Amin.

For me this is a sufficient reason to do everything possible under the sun to ensure that the UPC never holds power again in Uganda as we know it today, for they'd do exactly the same thing Obote did the moment they step in the State House.”

J Ssemakula

I commend you for joining the rest of the peace loving Ugandans in ensuring that political party haters, the UPC with their autocracy tendencies, do not sniff at power again in this century. I will also pass over the message to the grandchildren of my grandchildren. So they can tell the grandchildren of their grandchildren too!

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