Mr. Kipenji,

Are you insinuating that the Baganda somehow control Museveni? If so exactly how are we doing this?

Why is it so hard for you UPC chaps to accept your responsibility in destroying Uganda? Conversely, why is it impossible for you to recognize Obote's culpability when it is plain to everyone else? Do you simply lack honesty or moral fiber to distinguish righ from wrong?

Whatever the case, nothing can alter the fact that Obote massacred Ugandans, just as did Idi Amin.

For me this is a sufficient reason to do everything possible under the sun to ensure that the UPC never holds power again in Uganda aswe know it today, for they'd do exactly the same thing Obote did the moment they step in the State House.

----Original Message Follows----
From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:28:29 +0100 (BST)
Yaobang you have just rightly stated it.People like the Ssemakulas
of this world are trying to divert attention from what their benevolent
government under Mu7 has been and is doing to Ugandans since 1981
hence his rantings about not forgetting the Luwero Trapezium.
I personally feel based on the type of discourse he and his ilk are engaged in,I will cease any discussions of the type with him because
we appear to be at different orbitals in addressing the biggest issues that
is destroying Uganda by courtsey of the Baganda through Mu7.
Y Yaobang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
J Ssemakula,
Give it a rest, man!
Or are you getting paid to divert attention from what is happening in Uganda
right now, as we speak, with:
* Dictator Museveni's gunships mowing down innocent Ugandans in a funeral
procession in Teso "mistaking" them for 'rebels'?
* Dictator Museveni now manipulating his way to life presidency,
sugar-coating it with federo (buying-off gullible Baganda like you)??
Or are you waiting to revise the dictaor's history?
>From: "J Ssemakula"
>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
>Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:50:42 +0000
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
From: "J Ssemakula"
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and Abuse of Office
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 19:50:42 +0000
Mr. Kipenji,
Provide facts: if you have any credible documentation about Obote providing Mandela with a passport by all means provide it, instead of grand-standing.
However, even if it were true, I fail to see how this would redeem that barbarian.
--- Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Mwaami Ssemakula,did Nelson Mandela also state that
> the first
> travel document(Passport) that he used to travel
> outside South
> Africa et Africa was a Ugandan passport that was
> recommended
> by this samesome Obote?.
> Lets always talk facts not figments of our
> imaginations that obscure
> whatever we really want to say for we are wont to
> expose our rabid loathe
> of someone.
> Thanks.
> Kipenji.
> ===========================================================
> J Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Mr. Fugee,
> I see that you have no substantive rebuttal to Mr.
> Ibingira's expose' of Obote as a conniving
> power-hungry megalomaniac.
> As fo r the bit about Obote's attempts to bar the ANC
> from the OAU's pre-cursor, it is from an impeachabe
> source: Mr. Mandela himself.
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "The Fugee"
> To:
> Subject: RE: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars
> and Abuse of Office
> Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 10:33:52 +0200
> Ssemakula,
> Many of us have decided to leave you to your rabid
> hatred of Obote. You
> seem to be so confused by your hatred that you would
> absolve everyone,
> including yourself, of any responsibility in
> ensuring that Ugandans and
> Uganda gets what it truly deserves. As such I find
> it very difficult to
> even begin to discuss or debate any matter as you
> have concluded where
> all blame should lie. Th ough I must confess that I
> have seriously
> thought about tackling an issue raised by you
> through Ibingira's
> writings and time willing I may still do so.
> The real question is: What have you done and what
> are you doing for a
> truly democratic Uganda where all citizens have and
> can enjoy their God
> given personal to holder fundamental human rights
> and freedoms?
> The Fugee
> PS "Why did he try to have Mandela and the ANC --
> which he termed a
> "tribal organization" -- banned from attending the
> OAU's precursor
> meeting in Addis Ababa? Who were/are Obote's masters
> whose interests he
> worked so hard to uphold?"
> Where did this come from?
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> J Ssemakula
> Sent: 15 August 2003 21:25
> Subject: Re: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars
> and Abuse of Office
> Is it safe to assume that even the UPC zealots have
> finally seen the
> light that power-hungry megalomaniacal Obote was and
> is a liability?
> Is there any doubt that Obote single-handedly set
> Uganda on the course
> of decay that it has never recovered from?
> Where the heck is Mr. Dambisya's promised
> (threatened?) defense of
> Obote?
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "J Ssemakula"
> Subject: ugnet_: Ibingira on Obote's Secret Wars and
> Abuse of Office
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 20:15:51 +0000
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