By Ernest Mpinganjira

While on a tour to northern Uganda whose residents, have endured brutal rebel insurgency over 20 years, President Yoweri Museveni complained angrily that the "peace talks were taking too long".

He even threatened to personally take over the negotiations from his aides. The loud lament and impatience came barely two months after the peace process got under way. In the words of a Ugandan journalist "M-7 wants the crisis in the north over as soon as yesterday".

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni

So, why the sudden change of tact and impatience when weeks before the talks began, Museveni had vowed to pursue the rebels right into the Democratic Republic of Congo? He had even sought United Nations’ backing to flush out the rebels from Congo. For those who are aware of the atrocities committed by Ugandan forces in eastern DRC, the threats were perceived as a camouflaged attempt to send the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) into the DRC again to continue with the plunder of natural resources. This included the trafficking of minerals, timber, cultural artifacts and game trophies.

But there had been a slight shift in Museveni’s handling national issues. Most notable was that a month before, he had agreed to send representatives to meet the LRA top leadership. He also had invited his opponents in the March presidential election to State House ‘for tea’. All the presidential candidates, except his bitter rival, Kizza Besigye from the Forum for Democratic Change, turned up. Former First Lady, Miriam Obote, wife to the late Milton Obote also attended. When this took place, some analysts were quick to dismiss Museveni’s move as an attempt to appease the public. Still, other critics viewed Museveni’s recent gust of magnanimity as a pubic relations gimmick ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, which Kampala hosts in November next year.

But recent revelations in Dar-es-Salaam show that the Ugandan leader’s sudden shift in gear in the search for peace in the north would startle, even humble many of his critics, if indeed it is true he had received intelligence reports from the US’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that indict his top aides for complicity in the war in the north. Sources within the Tanzania Defence Forces told The Sunday Standard recently how Museveni had for two decades been duped by his top military commanders, senior government officials and relatives into chasing a mirage in the form of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) Rebel leader, Joseph Kony.

"For as long as the conflict in the north persisted, people close to Museveni were in business. They supplied LRA with weapons and war logistics. On their own LRA were not skilled and equipped enough to engage in common combat," a senior defence officer said. The revelations that defence officers were behind arming LRA added a new twist to the already familiar angle; that the Sudanese government in Khartoum was bankrolling LRA to root out former Sudanese People’s Liberation Army/Movement rebels (SPLA/M) from their positions in the northern Uganda. Khartoum had long accused Kampala that it was supporting SPLA/M, which until two years ago had waged a war to secede from the Muslim north.

A Defence source says: "Museveni was shocked when CIA brought to his attention that the enemy was within his own government and armed forces but not LRA. Elements in his government clandestinely sold firearms and military equipment to the rebels," the officer, who claimed to have personally taken part in the recent training of the Ugandan forces, said. He said Museveni responded to the new challenge by asking Tanzania to train 800 soldiers at the Monduli Military Barracks, while Kenya was to undertake the training of a new police force in attempt to decapitate the supply of firearms and equipment to the rebels. But in revelations that could shock the Kenyan government, the officer said the bungled Kenyan police recruitment in December last year was part of Kampala’s attempt to re-constitute its security forces.

The officer said the recent deployment of the Tanzanian-trained troops effectively cut the supply to LRA rendering Kony’s army militarily impotent, hence his agreement to sit down with the Ugandan government.

The said "strangers" during the police recruitment exercise actually were from Uganda. "The strangers were Ugandan trainees, a fact which Kenya and Uganda were keen to cover up, hence allegations of bribery," he said.

The emergence of LRA from the woods to negotiate peace with Museveni’s government was phenomenal. It came at a time when the region had pushed the rebellion to near-oblivion to concentrate on quelling fresh and longstanding conflicts such one on the Eritrea-Ethiopia border. Focus had suddenly shifted from some of the most ferocious wars on the continent, where ethnic tensions frequently threaten to explode into full-scale conflicts to Kony’s ragtag outfit. Either out of the stubbornness of the protagonists, Museveni and Kony, or war-weariness, the Ugandan conflict was passed over in international forums as domestic affair between an intellectual hardliner and a devious religious freak. The information tapped into from TPDF, if true, sheds light for the first time on the reasons that motivated Museveni to drop jingoism in preference to negotiating a ceasefire.

So when Uganda’s foreign minister Eriya Kategaya said recently that Kampala would rather subject LRA men to cultural justice system to give peace a chance, people in the know read the determination of Museveni to keep a tight leash on otherwise embarrassing revelations.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
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