Can I whisper a few words!

You are making no  head way so to say...with this your argument.
Indeed, many Intelligent Ugandans  here may rightly conclude  that you are 
engaged in some sort of  "market argument "  with a drunkard!

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Ocii
 With all due respect, D Kiiza Besigye left the  Movement not on political 
grounds but because when he and the rest of  Movmentists went to DRC to loot, 
they looted but Museveni's representatives cut  out Besigye in the split of the 
loot. Besigye has absolutely no single problem  with Museveni, that is why (a) 
You have never got any new information about  Museveni from Besigye. For 
example has he told you who killed Andrew  Kayiira even though he was the 
junior minister of internal affairs, who even  Ssemogerere has publicly stated 
that he was handed the Kayiira's file? Has  Besigye ever told you who killed 
our people for example the Ndeeba Doctor's  village, The Dr Barlow's, the 
Kanungu massacres. Ocii what details have you got  from this man claiming to 
have ran out of Museveni? In other wards how has  Besigye's defection from the 
Movment helped you to understand the inner working  of the Movement that you 
did not know when Besigye was still an insider? Which  brings me
 to (b) Dr. Kiiza Besigye has no where to go but to join the  Movement and get 
a job.
 And trust me he will.
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is  in  anarchy"
             Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans  l'anarchie"

    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    ocii 
   To: The First Virtual Network for friends of    Uganda 
   Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 8:31    PM
   Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni    schools in Tanzania

   You are dead wrong. 
   Its not Kigezi that can save Uganda but Ugandans. Kizza Besigye plus    
others who rebeled against the very system that recruited them to fight Mu7's   
 war in Uganda realised after some years of politics grounded on hatred    
toward other Ugandans that that definitely is not the way for Uganda as a    
nation. Mu7's strategy is to kill off those he hate; that is why he    
concentrated in killing off his supposed opponents, using various means:    
"scorched earth"; "combing"; "concentration camps" etc, from the    North and 
NorthEast of the country! 
   Late Apollo Milton Obote on "THE CONCEALMENT OF GENOCIDE IN    UGANDA", 
   "In March 1990, Museveni moved physically to    Kumi District in the East 
and remained there for 18 days where he took command    of his army against 
"rebels". The war, which according to him, had ended was    being prosecuted by 
him, some nine months later, with the greatest    brutalities. The entire 
population of Kumi District or whatever number    remained alive from previous 
massacres, have now been forced into    concentration camps and Museveni is 
personally commanding his army in the    destruction of homes and property. 
Considering that the population of Kumi    (1979 census) was, in round figures 
350,000, the number of the entire    population of the District which has not 
(1990) been herded in camps is    extremely ominous. The number being given is 
150,000; that certainly can not    be the entire population of Kumi. The 
missing 200,000 and more appear to be of    no interest or concern to those who 
have created walls to protect Museveni and    conceal his
 genocide. Kumi is the District where on several previous    occasions, the NRA 
rounded young men and had them burnt, gassed or starved to    death in Railway 
wagons. The latest such deed was in July 1989. Museveni and    his army have 
been engaged in the orgies of killings in this District like    others in the 
North and East since 1986. Kumi like its Northern neighbors of    Soroti and 
Lira was a cattle area. This time as the people went to    concentration camps, 
there was no cattle at all in the villages; the animals    in Kumi are to be 
found in the NRA barracks; which is also the case in the    Districts of 
Soroti, Lira, Apac, Kitgum and Gulu."
   Depopulation strategy. 
   Now, Dr. Besigye realised this about ten years ago and rebeled, while you    
Mulindwa openly states: "I am scared of FDC for if    these people managed to 
craft the Movement policies this good to be effective    for twenty years, I 
surely would vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any    time." What you forget 
so quickly is that when Ugandans    invaded the country from Tanzania way back 
in the early 70s to remove Amin,    many Ugandan invaders perished not in the 
hands of Amin's soldiers! But in the    hand of you know who......! Read Dr. 
Obote's writings to know  more. 
   My question to you: Was Dr. Besigye among those who invaded Uganda from    
Tanzania to remove Amin? If Dr. Besigye was indeed among these guerilla troops  
  of which eventually many perished but not in the hands of Amin's soldiers,    
then sure Dr. Besigye is a dangerous guy who crafted the policy to liquidate    
these guerilla men and woman. However, if Dr. Besigye was not among these men   
 then you need to stop playing with adults here in this forum.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    wrote:
                   One of the reasons FDC has failed so miserably      is a 
total failure of communication, and this has been witnessed from rally      to 
demonstrations to forums. For some reason, they consider them selves to      
know better than any other Ugandan creature, a very reason they claim      
Uganda's salvation to come from Kigezi. And that is not the first time major    
  development to have come from Kigezi, let us remember that it was the      
old men of Kigezi that advised Iddi Amin to be a life president, as it was      
Kigezi which elected Museveni at 99% to the Kigezi Generals being able      to 
throw Museveni out.
     With out Kigezi there seem to be no      Uganda.
      The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni,      Uganda is in      anarchy"
                 Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est      dans l'anarchie"

            ----- Original Message ----- 
       From:        ocii 
       To: The First Virtual Network for friends of        Uganda 
       Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:52        PM
       Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe        Museveni schools in Tanzania

       So? You got a problem with who I am?
       And why are you hiding under some "Mwirima Byaruhanga" on the        
internent like everyone else? Come out and let us see. Until        then, just 
shut up!, for you know very little.

Mwirima Byaruhanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        wrote:

dont          be on the offensive.

that style of writting usually tells a few          things:

- you cannot relay your message eloquently in real          life
and choose to 'hide behind email'
- you fear to be          challenged.
- you do not know how to win an argument          peacefully.

either way, as Edward says, your abusive writting          style tells much 
who you really          are.


ocii wrote thus on 14/07/2007 05:50:
>          Mwirima,
> You most definitely have difficulties reading          or understanding what 
> is
> written. What part of "butt out" don't          you understand? Are you still
> stuck in kindergarten or you are          merely a case of an inferior Ugandan
> who strive strenuously to          appear one who know english language so
> well?
> I          can write english in any form I chose; it is not my mother         
>  tongue.
> Is that just about          clear?
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