
I would like to state that this is going to be my last discussion with you on 
your so called strategy. You think by calling us idiots, you are therefore not 
an idiot or a moron? What any body who cares to analyze from the verbiage you 
penned below is a typical example of an opportunist, who full of vain glory 
believes those he claims he wants to use do not see where he is trying to take 
them. That you have such pedestal view about politics is even mind boggling. 
You really believe that Besigye will allow an opportunist like you to write his 
political agenda for him?

What information does your associating with Besigye been released to you that 
you did not already know? Have you ever had of that term in sociology called 
participatory observation? It used to be one of the ways used to extract vital 
information from people who are suspects but the investigators could not put a 
finger to where their involvement fits in. An Investigator would then go and 
live with this suspect and in case they are of different gender even get 
married to in need be.This was to build trust and have the suspect opening up 
all the secrets they have. Little, then did people know that the Stockholm 
Syndrome eventually sets in and the investigator becomes part and parcel of the 
suspects' life. That is a cause lost. When Museveni and Besigyes' came in, do 
you remember the number of DP national executives who were in the cabinet? What 
was their remit? They claimed they were there to balance and help make 
Museveni's government a more acceptable government. 

In 1995/1996 when Paul Kawanga Ssemwogerere left the Mut Junta, except those 
executive members who had either passed on or been dropped in previous 
reshuffles, how many of his then executive did he leave with? As a self 
confessed non idiot/moron and a strategizer, surmise that yourself. One 
philosopher once said" Wise People learn from the Experience of Others, BUT 
FOOLS, never learn Even from their Own Experience". If you are what you claim 
and confess you are, I think this will help you.
I end by quoting another of those anecdotes attributed to the former US defense 
Secretary Donald Rumsfedt" To Every Problem,There is Usually a Very Simple and 
Straight Forward Solution, which Turns out to be The Wrongs Solution to that 
Problem". With that,Ocii, I rest my case as I leave you with your "Strategies".

This discussion is comprehensively closed.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2007 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania


  If you can not realise the ridiculouness of your arguments then there is no 
reason to wonder why the NRA/M system is still in power upto today. People like 
you, who know nothing of strategic importance are doing the country evil, to 
maintain the NRA/M system in power by all means, fighting nothing yet 
pontificate they are seriously engaged in a struggle to oust the NRA/M 
government from power!

  Dr. Besigye has rebelled agianst the system he once supported. He is not the 
only person who, having been in a system many proclaimed is wrong, rebelled 
against it; a system he once faught for, putting his life on the line to defend 
come hell or high water! There are many politicans like that, including even in 
Canada where you supposedly live! The only difference is that within the 
canadian political system, not many wrongs are done like they are in Africa 
generally, and Uganda in particular. As a result, what do parties do when a 
member crossed the floor and joined a different party in canada? The party that 
the politican who crossed the floor to join, would simply welcome the member, 
work with him to bring the other party to its knee! This is called strategic 
politics! Does this mean the party would not have some bones to chew with the 
new member? Obviously not! But what is of serious importance is to secure their 
overwhelming victory first, to be able to promulgate the kind of law or 
constitution that would make preponderance, their vision. Strategy, strategy, 
strategy, punks!!! God, you guys are soooo dense!!

  What you are railing about Mulindwa, is pure nonsense and a demonstration of 
stupidity at its hight! The Besigyes joined the NRA/M way back several years 
ago, when they were still University students. To expect them then to listen to 
other parties' messages cautioning Ugandans on UPM, transformed to NRA/M, when 
you know darn well that the political foundation of the movement system rests 
on "hate" toward Northerners and Easterners, a polarizing politics designed to 
gunner support in the South and west, is simply moronic!! Hold especially an 
older person like Eriya Kategaya for not listening to cautions not to support 
the NRA/M, and I would say well, you have a point. But even then, such grieve 
would not make sense. Why? Because Eriya Kategaya grew up together with 
Museveni; they therefore knew what they were upto when they launched the 
guerilla movement! 

  Mu7 galvanized Westerners and Southerners by wipping the anti-Northern and 
anti-Eastern Ugandans political messages! Many Ugandans from these regions 
(West and South) fell for it; if old adults could fall for Mu7's messages then, 
what about Makerere students who hail from those areas? In the process of the 
"liberation" from Northerners and Easterners, some of these Mu7's followers 
went ahead and committed very serious crimes in the North and East of the 
country to the point, they cannot see themselves surviving under any system 
different from the NRA/M. Why do you think Besigye was not elected in his own 
constituency? Is it because Besigye's people think he is evil, one who 
masterminded the establishement of the NRA/M, you would like us to believe? If 
so, why is it not that the same people in that region of the country voted 
overwhelmingly for a different party, say like UPC or DP, other than the NRA/M 
if they do not think highly of the FDC? 

  Mulindwa, if you are still failing to think correctly, let me think for you. 
The reason westerners still vote overwhelmingly for NRA/M and not FDC, is 
because: 1). They are looking at Uganda politics from the movement political 
looking glass: North/East vs. South/West! As a result they could not vote for 
the Besigyes for, in their political camera, the Besigyes are traitors! Period. 
You on the other hand, who should have been quick on your feet, to welcome the 
Besigyes to craft solutions for speedy downfall of the NRA/M, now that there 
are rebels in their rank, is busy demonstrating political buffoonery, attacking 
Besigye for he did not listen to UPC cautions to Ugandans not to support the 
NRA/M way back in the early 80s ----20 solid years later!! Make sense to you?? 

  The Besigyes supporting NRA/M is a done deal Mulindwa; like a spilled milk. 
It is a done deal!! You cannot keep wailing over it day in day out. For how 
long are you going to keep wailing over this, knowing fully some of these 
people joined the NRA/M in their University days? For another 20 more years 
while the UPC on the other hand is engaged in much ado about nothing, save 
releaseing useless Press Releases weekly? You fools cannot be serious Mulindwa! 

  Never ever rant over a spilled milk incessantly if you ever must move 
forward! Strategize, and this is the message I have been passing to readers, 
but you and your sidekick, Matek are stuck in a rut, hankering for UPC's 
tranquil government again!! Guest what, my friends, things have changed!! Dr. 
Obote is dead now; he ain't coming back. It is upto you so called UPC members 
to craft the way forward for the party!! The way I see it though, with your 
errand political activism that literally has brought the party to its knee, you 
people are going nowhere. Bitter I know, but hard realities are needed to wake 
some zombies up! Take it or leave; hate the message all you want, I don't give 
a rat's arse! A spilled milk is exactly what it is, a spilled milk! It can 
never be anything else.

  2). They have great fear of the unknowns. Given what has been done in the 
North and East of Uganda, westerners especially are profoundly afraid; very 
very afraid. Why? Because the political looking glass Mu7 duped them into has 
cause untold sufferings of fellow wananchi in the North and East of the 
country. Yet some of those who cimmitted these gruesome crimes in these regions 
are not even Ugandans; they are Rwandese, the like of Paul Kagame, now 
president of Rwanda, dead Fred Rwegyema, plus many more who are today officers 
in Rwanda army. To get more information on these criminals hiding in Rwanda 
Ugandans need people like Mande and Kyakabale. But you idiots are busy 
attacking these people. You are literally attacking everybody. If you people 
are not politicians, for fuck sakes let those who are, do the job. The strength 
of politics rest more on strategies than on political vainglory, and even less 
on buffoonery!! 

  One can get all the info you are trying to dig from the Besigyes not 
obviously by attacking them, but through political cooperation for a common 
cause. It is pure illusion to even think that you can attack the Besigyes 
today, and they will release all the information you are looking for tomorrow. 
Politics does not work that way; it just does not!! It is only when the 
movement government is ousted from power, and a new political dispensation is 
put in place, including an established body of inquiry, that you call for yet 
in utter ignorance, that sensitive information can be collected. The Mandes, 
the Besigyes, and the Kyakabales then become even very very important!!

  But here we have Mulindwa and Matek practicing a politics late Dr. Obote even 
never practiced!! Attacking everything that walks and know the word politics so 
long as the walking thing is not UPC! If dogs could buck the word politics and 
could chose not to be UPC, I am sure these idiots would even attack the dog!! 
Yet Matek try to score cheap point by referring to the debate as market 
political brawl!! Jesus!

  It is you people in a market politics trust me.

  "Matek, who is that rebelling aginst the NRA/M and today? 

  Mulindwa, it is afende Kurakunta. You know we told the dude not to join the 
NRA/M, he did not listen!! Now he is running away!! 

  How some of us are very slow. Geez!

  Correct Ed. But they are not going to get away!! They must tell us who 
killded who first before anything else!

  Matek trust me, that must be the prerequisite. Have you got any new 
information from him yet? What has he told you so far about the inner workings 
of the NRA/M?

  Nothing yet! Ed what these NRA goons know is motto, so to say. 

  Karakunta has nowhere else to go but back to the NRA/M, trust me.

  Ed these people have seen nothing yet! Motto atawakaka on their *&^%*! Have 
you got the Press Release for this week from Mama Miria? 

  Matek no; not yet. I am calling her office now to find out if its ready.


  Aluta continua!


  You can't be serious. Have a good day folks.


  Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    Let us forget the people murdered in Uganda that is not important and that 
is not going to be told by Besigye. Agreed. Let us talk bout corruption that 
Besigye has stated publicly, can you kindly state any detail that you have got 
from Besigye about the corruption in Uganda apart from generalities? What new 
information have you got from Besigye now that he is out of the Movement than 
you using your antidotal evidence that we all must keep quite for you know that 
he knows but he can not tell. Secondly there is a second very fundamental 
statement that Ugandans always make and they make it during an election. When 
we had an election that brought in Obote two, Yoweri Museveni went home and 
stood under an umbrella of UPM, the Ugandans that new Museveni than any of us 
refused to elect the man. The rest of the population of Uganda including Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye, failed to take that message and supported Museveni in the Luwero 
war, and this is the Museveni we got up to today. Had Ugandans including Dr. 
Kiiza Besigye listened to the voices of the Ugandans that knew Museveni, we 
would have not lost our country as we have lost it today.
    It is very bizarre that Besigye has never stood on any ticket in any Uganda 
constituency to be elected, but we can wonder as well why the people of the 
entire Western Uganda that know this doctor better than you a Luo from Eastern 
Uganda, refused to elect their son's political party even in a single 
constituency. FDC has never won even a single constituency in Western Uganda 
and I do not see them winning one come 2011 either.

    As we failed to follow the knowledge of Museveni's constituency one can 
marvel why we are failing to follow the knowledge of Dr Kiiza Besigye's 
constituency. And I can wonder what you are privy to about this man that his 
entire birth constituency failed to be privy to.


     The Mulindwas Communication Group
    "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
                Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
    "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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