

Is Matek right?


On the 49th



           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: [] On Behalf
Of matek
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 3:55 PM
To: ugandacom; voice-of-uganda
Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] PRIORITY ONE



Culu EM :

Bwana Obar Nngwot will like this piece!


But then the UN with it's so called  obaaaa "UN piece intervention force
Brigade  composed of Tangayikans, Kaffir ( to use boer language) South
Africans and those primitive backward butt naked Malawians will be CRASHED


The tutsi ain't joking!!


Indeed..guerilla warfare ain't your mamas cup of tea!! 


The mighty  , such as THE U S of A have been thoroughly defeated by not jock around with well season  guerrillas  fighters ..they
will  bit you in the ass  where you least expect!!!




-he., Ugandacom, G_NET, mwananchi, panafricanistf., zimsite, camnetworks,
congokin-tribu., Rwanda-All, rwanda_revolut., rwandanet, great-lakes, Oryema




Tuesday July 30, 2013   1:49 PM

New York, USA . - United Nations gave the M23 rebels within 48 hours to
leave the city of Goma, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, under threat
of "use of force".  A new intervention brigade will be used first to help
the army of the DRC to implement a "safety zone" in the city, under fire
from rebel troops in recent weeks, the UN said, AFP reported.  In a
statement, the mission of the UN in DRC, MONUSCO, the M23 medium term until
8:00 pm(local time) on Wednesday to leave the city, "surrender their weapons
at the base of MONUSCO" and join a demobilization program. After that time ,
MONUSCO will take "all necessary measures" to achieve the disarmament of the
rebels, "including the use of force."  UN proposes to implement a security
zone in Goma and the northern suburbs of the city. "El M23 resorted to
indirect fire and indiscrimado, including heavy weapons, causing civilian
casualties "and" took also targeted UN facilities, "the UN, clarifying that
may raise safety zones" where necessary ".  Experts UN and the DRC
government accused Rwanda of providing military aid to the rebels, something
which Kigali denies. U.S. last week urged Rwanda to cease such assistance.




On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 7:14 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>



Tuesday July 30, 2013   1:49 PM

New York, USA . - United Nations gave the M23 rebels within 48 hours to
leave the city of Goma, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, under threat
of "use of force".  A new intervention brigade will be used first to help
the army of the DRC to implement a "safety zone" in the city, under fire
from rebel troops in recent weeks, the UN said, AFP reported.  In a
statement, the mission of the UN in DRC, MONUSCO, the M23 medium term until
8:00 pm (local time) on Wednesday to leave the city, "surrender their
weapons at the base of MONUSCO" and join a demobilization program. After
that time , MONUSCO will take "all necessary measures" to achieve the
disarmament of the rebels, "including the use of force."  UN proposes to
implement a security zone in Goma and the northern suburbs of the city. "El
M23 resorted to indirect fire and indiscrimado, including heavy weapons,
causing civilian casualties "and" took also targeted UN facilities, "the UN,
clarifying that may raise safety zones" where necessary ".  Experts UN and
the DRC government accused Rwanda of providing military aid to the rebels,
something which Kigali denies. U.S. last week urged Rwanda to cease such



           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"



This is a quote: 
"Even if Joseph Kony was killed, that would not necessarily be the end of
the war in northern Uganda because Kony is no more than a ‘ spiritual’
leader of the LRA. This quick fix, arm-chair solution seemed to be from the
Kampala-based ‘opinion leaders’ who only know the war through newspapers".

" Until the legitimate grievances and the marginalization of northern
Uganda’s communities are addressed, LRA fighters remain a possible vehicle
for the expression of northerners’ frustrations".

"Kony may never sign a peace agreement. Whether or not he signs, however, is
less relevant to avoiding new conflict in northern Uganda than ending
marginalization policies and fulfilling promises by the Ugandan government."


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