Dear Nicholas,

On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 6:37 PM Nicholas Humfrey <>

> I came across this Stackoverflow question:
> With accepted answer: "*You cannot multicast on the public Internet*"
> Which I guess is generally true. But is there still a multicast
> VLAN available at LoNAP and LINX? Is anyone using it for anything?
> I also saw that Internet 2 * "**will begin the sunset of Interdomain Any
> Source Multicast (ASM) <>" *- but
> in preference for Source Specific Multicast, so I guess the Multicast
> Internet exists in some parts of the world.
> Is there any chance of multicast making a resurgence? If everyone has
> gigabit internet to their homes, will the network cores be able to cope
> with everyone watching 35 Mbps UHD (Live) television streams simultaneously?

 Perhaps this NANOG thread is of interest to you "Confirming source-routed
multicast is dead on the public Internet"

I don't expect a resurgence of multicast any time soon, but perhaps BIER
brings new possibilities? (though if I'm not mistaken, it appears that BIER
is meant for not-Internet administrative domains)

Kind regards,


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