On Tue Sep 03, 2019 at 11:40:15AM +0200, Fredy Kuenzler wrote:
> Are there any Multicast VLANs left on LONAP, LINX etc. where interested
> parties could pick up streams to avoid the burden of Satellite reception?

Yes those lans still exist though there has been talk recently of
removing them or allowing multicast on the regular peering lan
> I suppose there are a number of local / regional / special interest
> channels which could be interested in cost effective distribution. Of
> course DRM and Geo-Location restriction stuff matters but every IP TV
> provider has to care for it themselves.

When I set up the BBC trial we had to geo limit, in this case
it was the peers agreeing to not distribute out of UK (then it was
ASM so we could not use our GEO permit list)

> With a joint effort - what is actually the idea of an Exchange -
> distribution cost likely could be lowered. Such as "here are TV channels
> X, Y, Z with the adress 239.x.y.z - feel free to pick it up, on a best
> effort basis".

That's the easy bit, the hard bit is how consumers access it. They
don't want to seek the service, they just want the service they clicked
on to work and you might want that to be multicast. That's what lead
to our DASH multicast work to enable that to happen transparently


and included in our IBC demo this year



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