Fredag 28 mars 2008 09:02, skrev Sven Geipel:
> My existing partition table shows like this (suse fdisk layout):
> > /dev/sda1        1   2433   20GB    7   HPFS/NTFS
> > /dev/sda2     2434           2GB   82   Linux Swap
> > /dev/sda3 *   2678          12GB   83   Linux
> _meta section in unattend.txt is:
> > [_meta]
> > ; Contents of doit.bat script
> >     edit_files=1
> >     netinst="c:\netinst"
> >     ; Use extended INT13 BIOS calls for fdisk?
> >     fdisk_lba=1
> > ;    fdisk_cmds="fdisk /clear 1;fdisk /pri:20480;fdisk
> > /pri:100,100;fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk /activate:1"
> >     fdisk_cmds="fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk /activate:1"
> >     fdisk_confirm=0
> >     format_cmd="format /y /z:seriously /q /u /a /v: c:"
> >     replace_mbr=1
> >     ntp_servers=0
> >    bottom=cleanup.bat
> >     local_admins=""
> I tested it with this fdisk_cmds and switched to console 2 when prompted
> for edit files;

> parted -s /dev/dsk print shows me:
> > Minor  Start       End        Type       Filesystem   Flag
> > 2  Primary    fat32
> > 3  Primary    linux swap
> > 1  Primary    ext3         boot
> New windows partition is added after other partitions, free space before
> is not used...

this a bit funny..
looks like the HPFS/NTFS partition has changed to fat32, but the size is not 
right for  
fdisk_cmds="fdisk /delete /pri:1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk /activate:1"
And the partition numbering is in reverse order.
The boot flag is on the ext3 partition.. witch is numbered as partition 1..

> Then I reset partition table to start (see above), commented out
> fdisk_cmds in unattend.txt and tried your second version with manually
> creating partition when fdisk menu comes up.
> This ends up with:
> > Minor  Start       End        Type       Filesystem   Flag
> > 1      0.031   primary    fat32        boot
> > 2  primary    linux swap
> > 3  primary    ext3
> This layout looks much better and is working now!

And here the partition numbering are as it should be..
But, the start/end numbers are still funny..

The partition sizes and the filesystem labels seems to be mixed up..
 looks like a parted bug.
> btw: parted is grumping about using deprecated SCSI ioctl:
> "program parted is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to
> SG_IO"
> > #parted --version
> > GNU Parted 1.6.22

yep, its old, probably on the same age as Jotunheimen
> My unattended tree is grown since version 2.5b and this must be version
> 4.7pre or 4.7 now I think...

I dont think there is a clean and quick fix for this.
The best workaround is probably done from the existing linux install you have.
do you have parted installed there?
..tell unattended to not touch partitions when installing windows..

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