Mandag 31 mars 2008 11:19, skrev Sven Geipel:

> Minor  Start       End        Type       Filesystem   Flag
> 2  primary    linux-swap
> 3  primary    ext3
> 1  primary                 boot

If I read right;
It will take the largest available free disk area and use that,
and ignore the fact that you got 20GB free at the beginning if the disk.
So, how big is the disk?
Does that add up?

> > > > #parted --version
> > > > GNU Parted 1.6.22
> >
> > yep, its old, probably on the same age as Jotunheimen
> oh, then it's really old ;-)

hehe, yes, I posted patches for upgrading to parted 1.8.8 last night,
but I dont think parted is to blame here.

> > > My unattended tree is grown since version 2.5b and this must be version
> > > 4.7pre or 4.7 now I think...
> >
> > I dont think there is a clean and quick fix for this.
> > The best workaround is probably done from the existing linux install you
> > have. do you have parted installed there?
> > ..tell unattended to not touch partitions when installing windows..
> Menu option "do nothing" without deleting and recreating first partition
> as 4GB fat32 expectedly didn't work cause windows install cannot write
> to 20gb ntfs partition.
> With "run manually" I can recreate this partition but after exit parted
> I don't know how to continue with install... so the best for me is to
> let ask for partition layout, run parted in another console and select
> then "do nothing".

Well, a better fdisk handling is something that should be on the todo-list.
And the same goes for adding ntfs support.
The current "use a 4GB fat2 and let windows convert and grow it" works.
Its just a manpower issue.

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