FwdTmp wrote:
> Hello Everyone!
> I have to install an app, which during the installation needs
> manipulation of the path. I did it with setenv.pl and found that it
> puts not necessary things to path (i.e. that path used during the
> appsonly, like z:\;z:\bin\ and the like). During the investigation of
> this I noticed that this script adds other environment variables, not
> needed by me.
> After an unattended installation I did not notice these (tested it
> now) but only after the appsonly. So I have to figure out a way to
> "hide" these things ("setenv.pl pathtmp %PATH%... todo.pl....
> setenv.pl PATH pathtmp... setenv.pl z """ and so on).
> You may think this "cover" is not needed, but windows sometimes
> stupid more than accepted by me. For example, not existing directories
> in the path can render some apps a constant-or-longer-than-needed
> waiting state. And of course, I didnt want to reveal the useres that
> the z_path, z_user, and the like. Maybe paranoia, but it is necessary.
> What is you opinion of this problem? Can it be hidden in other ways
> than I described? Maybe and upgrade to the script for appsonly
> installs?


I'm the author of appsonly.bat / appsonly.pl. You're right, appsonly.bat 
permanently sets the environment variables Z, Z_PATH, Z_USER to the 
machine and so will leave "traces" on the machine. I'll look at the 
scripts and try to fix this, result will be posted here and added to the 

Concerning the PATH variable, I do not think that appsonly will 
permanently change it.

set path=%path%;%scriptdir%\bin
setenv -m Z_USER %username%
setenv -m Z_PATH %scriptdir%
set Z_PATH=%scriptdir%
setenv -m Z %Z%

set --> only affects current session, change will be gone after next reboot
setenv -m --> permanent change


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