Ben Cohen wroe:
> While you are making changes to appsonly.bat I'll point out a tiny  
> patch to appsonly.bat we made in our environment.  We wanted to call  
> out to an external script prior to the invocation of --go.   
> The external script sets some machine environment variables.  We've  
> got quite a few custom scripts and wanted to set some convenience  
> variables and have them accessible from all the scripts -- we decided  
> that permanent machine environment variables was the easiest way to go.
> Maybe some variation of this can be included in the patched version?   
> Here's a diff.
> -bash-3.2$ diff sts_appsonly.bat appsonly.bat
> 146d145
> < call %z%\scripts\sts_conf_set_environment_variables.bat
> Perhaps change the line to something like
> call %z%\site\custom_site_scripts_initialization.bat

Hello Ben,

I'm a litte bit confused. If you have a file 
sts_conf_set_environment_variables.bat in your script file and then 
invoke appsonly.bat, the script will be shown anyway in the multiple 
choice dialog and you can select it there. What is the benefit of 
calling it hard-code from appsonly.bat and why is it called with "call" 
instead of ""?


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