At 17:12 +0100 2001-12-02, Kent Karlsson wrote:

>should be used, together with ordinary I, V etc. (when possible)
>to get "lined" roman numerals.

What? Surely this is a font matter, and using combining characters a 
hack here. In Quark one might just draw a line and align it with the 

>  > It is certainly not a glyph variant of an ampersand. An ampersand is
>  > a ligature of e and t.
>True (both). ("ampersand" is somewhat of a misnomer.)

It derives from "and per se and", apparently.

>  > This is certainly an abbreviation of och. That
>  > both mean "and" is NOT a reason for unifying different signs.
>  >
>  > Having said that, it seems to me that U+00B0 would represent Stefan's
>  > character easily enough.
>No. It's not a degree sign.  Nor is 00BA appropriate: the underlined o is
>not superscripted/raised (much, if at all).

Sorry, I did mean U+00BA, and subscription or superscription of the 
glyph in that character is a matter of glyph choice.
Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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