At 21:33 12/1/2001, Asmus Freytag wrote:

>If the character can be shown to have as much justification for existence
>as coded character as similar characters in the standard, i.e. if it's
>ever used in printed handwriting, etc., etc., than we will have a tough
>time coming up with a unification that's not (far) worse than just adding
>it by itself.

Indeed. If it is not suitable to treat the och sign as a variant form of 
the ampersand, it would be better to give it its own codepoint rather than 
try to unify it with some other character(s) that would require more 
convoluted rendering.

John Hudson

Tiro Typeworks
Vancouver, BC           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

... es ist ein unwiederbringliches Bild der Vergangenheit,
das mit jeder Gegenwart zu verschwinden droht, die sich
nicht in ihm gemeint erkannte.

... every image of the past that is not recognized by the
present as one of its own concerns threatens to disappear
                                               Walter Benjamin

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