The Registrar wishes to thank everyone who has taken an interest in the ISO 15924 data pages, and regrets the imperfections which are contained there. I am not sure how we will manage the generation of the pages, but it is clear that the base should be the plain-text document.

I have made changes to the plain-text document and placed it, a draft Changes page, and the original plain-text document available at

I would appreciate it if interested persons could look this over and inform me if they find any further discrepancies between the two which are worth troubling about. Then we will proceed to generate the other files.

I deleted some duplicate lines: Ethiopic was on two lines, under Ethiopic and under Ge'ez. It seemed inappropriate to burden the tables with such duplication.

I added Coptic unilaterally.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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