On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Murray Sargent <
murr...@exchange.microsoft.com> wrote:
Andreas Prilop commented "A native speaker of English does not
/automatically/ know better about English grammar, English punctuation than
an informed Frenchman." So true, so true. Most native speakers of English
have only limited understanding of English grammar.

I very recently read an anecdote about Radloff, the russian turkologist.
One day a Turk visited him and told him his theories and ideas about the
Turkic languages. It became quite soon apparent, that he was not to be taken
seriously. So Radloff asked:
— Why do you think, your ideas are right?
— Because I'm a turkologist — the man replied.
— And what makes you a turkologist?
— Well, I'm a Turk, and my mother tongue ist Turkish.
— Oh no, my friend, a bird is not an ornithologist either...

... Actually, in general birds know pretty little about birds :-)


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