Le 08/06/12 23:15, Markus Scherer a écrit :
On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Jean-François Colson <j...@colson.eu <mailto:j...@colson.eu>> wrote:


    In the French Wikipedia article about Mandombe
    (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandombe) I read: “Un dossier de
    demande d'encodage de l'écriture Mandombe a été introduit à
    l'Unicode au mois de décembre 2010. Ce dossier a été discuté à la
    réunion du Comité technique de l'Unicode au début du mois de
    février 2011.” which I would translate as “A Mandombe script
    encoding request dossier was introduced at Unicode in December
    2010. That dossier was discussed at the Unicode technical
    committee meeting at the beginning of February 2011.”

    Does anybody have informations about that “dossier”?

    Is it available anywhere on the web?

In the Unicode members documents area I found document L2/11-053 "Proposal to add the Mandombe Script".

Well. What decision has been made? Has it been accepted? Rejected? For ever or till more information is provided?

I suggest you contact Unicode <http://www.unicode.org/contacts.html> for a copy.

I’ve asked a copy. But, if you have access to that document, couldn’t you send me a copy yourself?

Are you compelled to keep it secret until it is officially accepted or rejected by Unicode?

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