On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Jean-François Colson <j...@colson.eu> wrote:

> In the Unicode members documents area I found document L2/11-053 "Proposal
> to add the Mandombe Script".
> Well. What decision has been made? Has it been accepted? Rejected? For
> ever or till more information is provided?

The meeting minutes are public:

*Scripts and Symbols — Mandombe Script (C.18)*

*[126-A64 <http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetL2Ref.pl?126-A64>] Action Item
for* Eric Muller: Follow up with authors of Mandombe proposal
their copyright and patent claims.

>  I suggest you contact Unicode <http://www.unicode.org/contacts.html> for
> a copy.
> I’ve asked a copy. But, if you have access to that document, couldn’t you
> send me a copy yourself?
> Are you compelled to keep it secret until it is officially accepted or
> rejected by Unicode?

I don't know what the consortium policy is about access to members-only
documents. Rather than looking up what the policy might be I pointed you to
ask for the doc :-)


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