Satyakam Phukan

Please don't be too concerned about script names or character names -
the names are there simply as unique identifiers for the convenience
of programmers. Users rarely, if ever, see these names. Unicode and
ISO 10646 could have named scripts as "Script AAA", "Script AAB",
"Script AAC" and so on in the order which they were encoded in the
standard - but names like that wouldn't be very easy to remember.

If you don't like the names Unicode has assigned to characters   e.g
calling character U+099A "BENGALI LETTER CA" then simply call it
"U+099A" instead. Again these names are there simply as unique string
identifiers for the convenience of programmers and nothing to get
worked up about. There are many characters in the standard which have
probably been inappropriately named but due to the Unicode stability
policy names of characters or scripts cannot be changed and that is
something that has to be accepted.

If it really bothers you then, as someone has already suggested, you
could make a formal proposal to have the existing Character names
annotated with informative aliases giving the Assamese names. Or have
the concerned department of Government of Assam make such a proposal.
Such a proposal made in the proper way might be accepted

If there are glyphs for particular characters which are normally
written one way in Bengali and another way in Assamese this can be
handled by putting language specific glyph variants in an OpenType
font. This is however a font issue not a Unicode issue.

Don't worry about the order of characters in the standard. Collation
of any script can be handled by a tailored collation table for your
language. See:

I understand these things seem very important to you. In the past
other people have expressed similar concerns with regard to their own
language and the script used to write it. However I believe that, if
you take the time to learn more about Unicode, your concerns will
pretty much disappear.


Chris Fynn

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