Am 30.01.2013 um 12:56 schrieb William_J_G Overington:

> I feel that it would be helpful if there were symbols that could be used in a 
> non-language-specific manner for phrases such as "Hello" and "Thank you" and 
> "Best regards," and so on.

But there are, plenty of it. Though not yet for the phrases you mention.
We have ! and ? and even !!! and !?, and also :-) and the like. And of course 
we have ❀ ✓ ♥ ⚭⛺⛴✗ and so on.
Most ideographs in use are pictographs, for obvious reasons. But it would be 
nice indeed to have ideograms for “thanks”, “please”, “yes”, “no”, “perhaps” – 
all those common notions which cannot be de-*picted* in the true sense of the 

This is a vision. Or a project. Hand gestures could perhaps be a starting point.

–* Andreas Stötzner.

–*   “best regards” – ?


Andreas Stötzner   
Gestaltung Signographie Fontentwicklung

Wilhelm-Plesse-Straße 32, 04157 Leipzig

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