Every child deserves to have a building that is nice and new.  Even I
deserve to work in a building where I can at least use the restroom and find
it reasonably clean and tidy.

I was relating what has happened in new building such as my University City
story.  The prevailing sentiment seems to me ³If it¹s not mine personally, I
don¹t care about it.²

This goes for books, furniture, walls, lockers any school property or
property belonging to others.

If you touch MINE however, I¹ll kill or harm you.  To wit, Frank Burd and
the proverbial not allowed in school anyway iPod.  Mr. Burd (who REALLY
didn¹t have to do so), was going to return after class anyway.  Not good
enough!  They had to ³get him².

On 3/13/07 12:17 AM, "Bill Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes to number 1, perhaps not to number 2‹but in both cases‹the need was not
> driven by the ³problems² you refer to, but by the need to renovate or replace
> the aging building.  I haven¹t heard anyone suggest that the new building will
> somehow result in model behavior by all the students.
> Are you suggesting that the students are somehow undeserving of a new
> building?  In any case, none of them will be there when the new building is
> completed.
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 4:13 PM
> To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
> Subject: Re: [UC] RE: West Philly High re recent violence there
> In a message dated 3/12/2007 4:06:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> It's been that way for a LONG time. Not just at West Philadelphia High
>> either but all over the district.
>> At least you don't have to go inside and spend your day in that sort of
>> environment, be trained and re-trained and re-trained in the name of "School
>> Reform."
>>                     OR
>> Be held accountable if they don't do well on standardized tests; have to
>> present your credentials to proven "highly qualified" to be in there and try
>> to teach them.
>>                     OR
>> See no consequences for the students or their parents; just you and/or your
>> administrator.
>> This is how people are treated who WANT to be there and want to teach.
>> We shall see how the public reacts when contract negotiations start soon; as
>> the district tries to pare down even more of our rights and heap more
>> responsibility on us.
> Does anybody think that all the time spent on the "forum" to pretend Community
> Input drove the plans to build a new facility for West Philadelphia High has
> had any positive impact?
> Does anybody think that a new building will solve any or all of the problems?
> (I don't, and can point to what's happened at the new campus-like Atlantic
> City High School to back up this belief. It's as bad there as it was in the
> old high school building.
> Always at your service and ready for a dialog ® brand resident and housing
> provider,
> Al Krigman
> AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from
> AOL at AOL.com <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000339> .

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