-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Glenn

> Why on earth would you be asking for this requirement if you are a 
> lawyer?  
Probably because _as_ a lawyer he knows that the burden of proof is on the 
accuser. That would be you. If you think there is such a law, please cite it. 
You can't walk into a debate and say "obviously, we all know the color yellow 
is illegal" and walk out and expect people to respect your argument.

Where's your citation?

> You don't think that Al or anyone suggested that the current UCD 
> cover-up was the legal issue?  

You yourself suggested that _Penn's_ "illegal" use of "prisoner labor" in 
"violation of the 13th Amendment" was the legal issue, yet you have offered NO 
evidence on this.  

Where's your evidence?

Or are you just banging around releasing gas in random directions because you 
got uncorked somehow? 

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