Well, I think you overlooked another possibility known to employment law:? 
your employer doesn't say you're fired, but the law treats you as fired.? 
Paperwork may say you resigned, for example, but evidence shows you were told 
resign or be fired.?? Or all of your responsibilities are taken away, you get 
sent to an outpost with no equipment until you quit, but then claim a 
constructive discharge.




-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Sent: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 6:28 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Reality check



Perhaps you have been self-employed so long, you 
don't know what it means to be "fired". I am an employee. I have been an 
employee for most of the last 30 years. Let me explain to you how it 


If Councilwoman Blackwell says one of her 
own employees was fired -- that employee was fired. If she says 
somebody else's employee was fired -- that is not official information and it 
trumped by the statement of that employee's real employer.


If Councilwoman Blackwell says I am fired, that 
means nothing. If the President or the Pope says I am fired, that means 
If you or Glenn says I am fired, that means nothing. If a straw poll of UC-list 
says I am fired, that means nothing. If my boss says I am fired, that means I 


AQt last Thursday's meeting, 70 witnesses heard 
John Fenton's boss say Fenton is on paid administrative leave. You cannot be on 
paid administrative leave AND fired at the same time; they are mutually 
contradictory conditions. Therefore, Fenton hasn't been fired. His job might be 
in all sorts of peril, but he is not fired. This?is a common possibility 
of?real life, for most real employees.


So Fenton isn't fired, as of today. You were at 
that meeting and you heard Wendell restate Fenton has not been fired. So there 
you are.


-- Tony West

----- Original Message ----- 

  Elizabeth F 

To: UnivCity@list.purple.com 

Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 12:14 

Subject: Re: [UC] Reality check


I was also at the meeting.

I do not remember either side making?many fact 
  based?declarative statements.

But there were lots of distractions and I may have missed a few 


I did not hear Lewis Wendell state either of:

??????? "John 
  Fenton has?NOT been fired" or

??????? "John 
  Fenton?HAS been fired".

LW?read?a statement that referred to 
  "suspension" pending?an ongoing "internal investigation".

I believe most in the room hear it as some 
  version of, "UCD hopes John resigns so that we 
  won't have to fire him."


Several people referred to a "Termination package" which would allow John 
  to "resign", and "receive 6 months benefit".

I do not remember LW making any comments regarding this.

Such a package may be better than sending John back to work in a tainted 
  environment, but

maybe?a better paradigm for all of us could be reached.

IF UCD and JF could?achieve public and private accommodations, 
  it?could catalyses work place toxins into?useful compounds 
  benefiting the people, institutions and neighborhoods that 
  are?affected.? Such success could be a model for others undergoing 
  work place traumas.


I like Lewis Wendell, John Fenton and Councilwoman Jannie 


Lewis is a good neighbor.

I have learned much from him, and in listening to him I have developed 
  more informed views of our neighborhood.

For me personally, he has been a voice for introspection and good.

I do not know how much of this?brouhaha results from?his 
  decisions, but I?was sorry to see the "Lord of the Flies" attacks on his 

Two wrongs do not make a right.


Jannie is a friend and hero.

She defied a Mayor and was arrested in the best of civil protests, 

Even those who did not agree with her methods were forced to think about 
  the problem and more viable solutions.

She is not perfect, no one is.

But I trust her heart, resilience and stamina.


John has been the type of guy we?want to?call 

He has been helpful, accessible, cheery, accommodating and 

I do not know how well anyone's work would survive a rigid 

In my experience, speed and effectiveness can sometimes require corner 
  cutting and?mutual back scratching.

I know I would not want my work life disrupted?by internal or 
  external audit.

And I don't like the idea that everything he has done will be put under a 
  microscope based upon reaction to gossip and a news report which may pan out 
  to be little more than juicy hyperbole born?of the creative whining of a 
  PENN miscreant.


IMHO, these three people are strong, effective, intelligent and 
  grounded in good will.

They could be powerful enemies or a magnificent force for good.

I hope they work out their differences and channel their abundant 
  energies and talents for good.



Several people accused another neighbor, someone not at the meeting, of 
  being?the Machiavelli in this mess.

His thumbprint is on too many other?projects,?too lightly 
  dismiss the accusations.

But, I have no fact upon which to base my doubts and nothing concrete to 
  contribute regarding a solution.

The person, in question, makes many valuable contributions to our 
  community and puts his time, money and labor behind his ideas.

When his goals align with mine I am delighted with the good he does, when 
  they do not align, I feel outgunned.

He may be smarter, better trained, more energetic, and have more free 
  time, stamina and resources than I.



I do not know why my last message transmitted in Asian characters.

I was trying to say that I did not see Kathleen at the meeting.

And IMHO,?it does not seem fair that folks who were unable or 
  unwilling to attend, should post assumptions about words that were or were 
  spoken.? I heard the Councilwoman state unequivocally that it was a 
  community fair, with many components, but NOT a political rally.

She stated that Knox walked around the park for about "10 minutes" and 
  that the fair ran "All Day" and?separately gave times (which may have 
  been "9 AM-5 PM") that indicated Knox was present for only a fraction of the 
  days events.

If such is the case, Knox's presence seems little different than his 
  perambulation through the more upscale?"Party for the Park".

My point, is that once Jannie?made?her statement, any further 
  forays down?a?path toward termination, appear to be calling our 
  Councilwoman a "liar".? Diplomacy and preservation of community bonds 
  would both recommend against such name calling.


John and Lewis are different types of people doing different types of 

John makes Lewis and UCD look good.

Lewis cleans up nice and can take UCD's successes, including John's 
  popularity, to the halls of power and the people with the big bucks.

One is the "go to guy" who gets the streets cleaned, the other handles 
  planning and development.

Together there is success, separated we've seen 3+ weeks of nasty 










On Fri, 8 Jun 2007 10:06:03 -0400 "Anthony West" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Glenn's report is false. John Fenton has not 
    been fired. His employer, Lewis Wendell stated that clearly at the meeting 
    Glenn attended. Seventy people heard him say that.


-- Tony West


----- Original Message ----- 


To: Anthony West ; UnivCity@list.purple.com 

Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 8:32 

Subject: Re: [UC] Reality check


Look at what West suggests:


"But to bash it for steps it was virtually 
      compelled to take ... that strikes me as unfair and stupid."


He is?asserting?according to this 
      wanker "manual" that he made up, that?UCD?was 
      "compelled"?to immediately fire John Fenton and lock him out.? 
      West, did the manual?require UCD?to lie about a 2 week 
      suspension?? Does the wanker "manual" demand that they immediately 
      impose a gag order on Mr. Fenton and bar him from talking to his former 
      employees or anyone else?




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