Well, UCD has provided SOME monetary support, but the PEOPLE (who UNITED,
SHALL NEVER BE DEFEATED) have provided a whole lot in addition. To


On 7/30/07, B Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From their website:
> http://www.shakespeareinclarkpark.org/2007.html
> The University City District is the Production Sponsor of Romeo and
> Juliet.
> On 7/30/07, Ross Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > As crazy as Glenn may be, I think that one valid point he has been
> > making (and making and making and making) is that Commercial entities ( like
> > UCD try to claim true artistic content as their own, and market it to the
> > masses for the sole purpose of making money (MAMMON). That's why I'm royally
> > pissed to see the big banner in Clark Park advertising Shakespeare in the
> > Park as another lame UCD product.
> >
> > Shakespeare in Clark Park was totally the brain flash of Marla
> > Burkholder, a REAL actress, and friends. Marla will be playing Juliet.
> >
> > But UCD has to insert itself as the "sponsor". If Wendell Lewis gets up
> > to make a speech on opening night about how "UCD brings you Shakespeare in
> > Clark Park", I will be the first to hurl a tomato and holde up "FUCK UCD"
> > signs.
> >
> > Lewis Wendell is a crass middleman, seeking to gain PROFIT for himself
> > and his organization, by sponging off and parasiting the artistic talents of
> > the Shakespearean artists who really bring you "Shakespeare in Clark Park".
> > Fuck the Middleman, commercial geeks and profit seekers, and ALL HAIL to the
> > ARTISTS of our HOOD, performing because they can't help themselves.
> >
> > --
> > Ross Bender
> > http://rossbender.org

Ross Bender

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