I'm confused -- UCD (presumably) paid for the production, or at least
part of it.  Why not then get some credit for their contribution?  It's
simple quid-pro-quo, no?
- Mike V.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ross Bender
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 3:13 PM
To: UnivCity listserv; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [UC] Fuck UCD and Shakespeare in the Park

As crazy as Glenn may be, I think that one valid point he has been
making (and making and making and making) is that Commercial entities (
like UCD try to claim true artistic content as their own, and market it
to the masses for the sole purpose of making money (MAMMON). That's why
I'm royally pissed to see the big banner in Clark Park advertising
Shakespeare in the Park as another lame UCD product. 

Shakespeare in Clark Park was totally the brain flash of Marla
Burkholder, a REAL actress, and friends. Marla will be playing Juliet.

But UCD has to insert itself as the "sponsor". If Wendell Lewis gets up
to make a speech on opening night about how "UCD brings you Shakespeare
in Clark Park", I will be the first to hurl a tomato and holde up "FUCK
UCD" signs. 

Lewis Wendell is a crass middleman, seeking to gain PROFIT for himself
and his organization, by sponging off and parasiting the artistic
talents of the Shakespearean artists who really bring you "Shakespeare
in Clark Park". Fuck the Middleman, commercial geeks and profit seekers,
and ALL HAIL to the ARTISTS of our HOOD, performing because they can't
help themselves. 

Ross Bender

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