The "real thinkers" on this or any other list always had/have the choice to dialogue or not. In this case they have taken another path. They've created an environment in which people with whom they disagree can be silenced. Since then, there's been nothing of interest on either list. There have been announcements for "meet ups" for events in which I have no interest and offers for 5-gallon buckets. Sign me up for some gripping neighborhood discussion-- wherever that might be these days.

As far as I'm concerned, disagreement and contention are an integral part of a "full-service" and diverse listserv. In fact I find it weird that you'd use the term to describe a forum in which exclusion was celebrated in posts by it's creator on the very first day of its existence. In my opinion, it's the same as believing the "clean and safe" fantasy that UCD is hawking to promote retail shopping and real estate sales.

I suppose I could look at UCNeighbors as a sort of 12-step program for listmembers who just couldn't stop themselves from responding to the so-called trolls--making the list even more contentious--and trying to do spin control on every negative word about Penn, UCD, FOCP, etc. People, places and things, as they say. I'm looking forward to the "make amends" part.

I've made my feelings clear in the past about in-person group discussions where loudmouths rule so I'm hoping you're not referring to me when you mention those who are uncomfortable meeting others in person. (You seem to be under the impression that I am shy. I'm not. I just don't feel an overwhelming urge to join, be in charge, or always be "right." I also believe that you *can* have enough or too many friends.) When I've been invited to neighborhood stuff with no agenda--and which didn't involve getting schnockered before some event--I've attended some and I've had fun. In fact, I was told after one of them that I was visibly snubbed by an FOCP board member. Imagine that. If I had known he ws a listmember I would certainly have introduced myself but he took advantage of his anonymity and acted like a grade-schooler. Too bad but, in my experience, typical.

Sleek. Edgy. Infinitely flexible.

On Sep 9, 2007, at 09:56 PM, Anthony West wrote:

Frank wrote:
Your point about Mr. Brown and the All-Stars isn't working. I think it's tine to give it up. Kyle was a contributing member of this list. And he quit, for reasons he clearly stated. The trolls got to be too much for him, and for many, many others. Perhaps they shouldn't have reacted that way; but they did. They no longer want this crap in their inboxes and have created a full-service neighborhood listserv that is free of it. You and I feel differently about this. But I don't see anything immoral about wanting to scan a neighborhood forum that is free of obvious, unrelenting malice. Please. This kind of disingenuousness and arrogance is, to me, much worse than any of the obvious listserv trolling that you and other sweetbarkingcheesers find so offensive. I said nothing abut controversy. I mentioned criticism. I specifically meant criticism from neighbors and "internet friends" on this list which can sting and would not affect book sales even a little. I haven't noticed any aversion to criticism in Kyle has ever written or said. Kyle is a pretty feisty guy who enjoys jousting. He is hardly thin-skinned. That's why he toughed it out on UC-list for years. Neither is Ross thin-skinned. They both hold the nasty, uncreative trolls of UC-list in well-deserved contempt.

I might mention, both Kyle and Ross are comfortable meeting their neighbors in the flesh. They are not devotees of faceless internet defamation. I also didn't mention a conspiracy, unless you can call one person starting a mailing list a conspiracy.

Now, please stop putting words in my mouth/fingers.
But others constantly mention a conspiracy. Indeed, the idea that "University City" is nothing more than a giant marketing conspiracy by the University of Pennsylvania -- and that everything Penn wants is intrinsically evil, except when it's cutting your paycheck -- is the only "intellectual" topic I read on UC-list these days. This is a lazy and shallow approach, favored largely by second-raters and fools. Most of the real thinkers no longer post on UC-list, because they are tired of dialoguing with these wankers. And why should they?

A pity, I think. But then, everything moves along over the course of time.

-- Tony West

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