I called the # they left, and someone actually got back to me right away! They realize the logistics haven't been worked out. Cars will not be ticketed. They just want to raise awareness toward block cleaning.

At 12:56 PM -0400 10/23/07, John Ellingsworth wrote:
This raised a (somewhat) perplexing interesting question:

If every block in the immediate area is to be cleaned, and all of the cars are to be moved, where are all the cars to be moved to if every block is to be cleaned?

While I think it is a great idea, it doesn't seem to have much logistical planning behind it. Kind of like the 10000 volunteers policing plan...

I'll believe it when I see it.



Joe Clarke wrote:
We received the same instructions for the 4800 block of Beaumont however no signs have been posted nor
bags provided to assist with this effort.

Joe Clarke

I got a message on Sunday about a fairly robust block cleaning that will happen
in concert with the usual trash pickup day this week.  According to the
message, it'll involve teams with backpack blowers, hand brooms and mechanical
brooms, and we're expected to move our cars.  Apparently teams from PMB will
follow up with "beautification tips."  Is this happening elsewhere in West
Philly?  You can hear the message right here:

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