I certainly have some questions about the wisdom of this choice as well as  
the viability of Governor Palin to be a viable Vice President (assuming a  
president McCain would follow recent precedent -- although not Constitutional  
requirements) let alone a successor-president.
But aren't these comments rushing to judgement? We haven't heard from her  
yet in any situation calling for substance.
And, may I remind one and all that we still know next to nothing about  
Barack Obama or what he means when he says things like "cutting taxes on the  
middle class" or even "change," and while Joe Biden has been spun as having  
foreign policy credentials, little has been said to back that assertion  up.
At the moment, we have two candidates nobody knows, one who changes  
positions about as often as most people in this neighborhood change socks, and  
who -- a week ago -- nobody would have been able to define areas of  expertise 
and experience for.
I think this is what's meant by "a pig in a poke."  

Always at  your service and ready for a dialog.

Al Krigman
(A Libertarian who certainly won't vote for Bob  Barr)

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