In a message dated 8/31/2008 3:59:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Let me  be clear - under the Obama tax cut - 95% of Americans will get a tax  
>From what I've read, the veracity of this statement depends on how you  
define "tax cut." Isn't it true that Obama includes in his 95% the people who  
currently pay no taxes but will get monetary tax credits from the federal  
government? This is how I read what's being said. If so, then a portion of the  
is "welfare" and not a tax cut for working people who pay a fraction of  their 
wages to the government and think of a tax cut in terms of a smaller  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman
(Since I'm not going to vote for Bob Barr, you can think of me as one of  
those undecided independents)

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