The real source of the problem is that since Kindergarten is not mandatory
in Pennsylvania (I don't think kids are actually required to attend school
until they are 8, which is completely ridiculous) -- the schools are not
really required to ensure space for them. If you do somehow get admission to
another school for kindergarten, there is no transportation available.


On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 11:40 AM, <> wrote:

> In a message dated 1/27/2011 10:28:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> We’re not sure whether to laugh or cry after this ABC6 story about parents
> braving frigid temps to get their kids into Penn Alexander’s kindergarten,
> which is capped at 50 students. We’re happy that such a school exists (full
> disclosure: we have a child there) and that parents care so much about their
> child’s education, but we’re sad that they are so scared of the alternatives
> that they feel they have to sleep outside on the coldest night of the year
> to get in.
> This kind of stand-in-line, first-come-first-serve enrollment system
> obviously isn’t sustainable. Penn Alexander, which prides itself on small
> classes, is filling up quick in the lower grades as parents move to the
> neighborhood (some before they even have children) looking for the Holy
> Grail of a nice urban neighborhood and a good public school.
> What makes matters worse is that, if you don't make it for your kid into
> the first 50, the Lea and Powell schools tell you you're not in their
> catchment areas so the best they'll do is put you at the end of their lists
> in case they have some empty spaces.
> Maybe... oh, this might be too much to ask... the School District could
> estimate how many kindergarten-age kids they have and figure out how to
> accommodate them. Or, is Ms Ackerman too busy counting her bonus money and
> collecting business cards from noncompetitively-priced contractors to worry
> about trivia such as educating children whose parents actually want them to
> get educations?
>  *
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> Alan Krigman
> KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts Inc
> 211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
> 215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6502
> or

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