I do know Hedra. She a neighborhood resident. I served on the Board of
Trustees of the Center for Literacy with for years.

She also had to put with my fellow elder Obie Eliot Shelkrot for years.

I am sorry to lose her.  She's good people.


From:  Richard Conrad <rdcon...@verizon.net>
Reply-To:  Richard Conrad <rdcon...@verizon.net>
Date:  Tue, 20 Mar 2012 19:09:12 -0400
To:  "Packman, Hedra" <packm...@freelibrary.org>
Cc:  UnivCity listserv <UnivCity@list.purple.com>, UCNeighbors Neighbors
Subject:  Re: [UC] unsubscribe

Never knew you, that I can say, or that you were ever subscribed, and this
email does not as far as I know unsubscribe anyone per se... so I don't have
any way to respond to your message, sorry.  - Rick Conrad

On Mar 20, 2012, at 2:14 PM, Packman, Hedra wrote:

> Unsubscribe univ city list.purple.com <http://list.purple.com>  and
> UCNeighbors
> Unsubscribe packm...@library.phila.gov and packm...@freelibrary.org
> Thanks!

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