Thanks for your post. I'll try some of your suggestions.

I've noticed some new problems.
1. I'm running SoftSqueeze under padsp, as bhaagensen suggested.
Although amixer shows all volume at 100%, the sound output is very
soft. Furthermore, the Controller volume control has no effect on the
SoftSqueeze volume (note that the Controller works fine on the instance
of SoftSqueeze I have running on my main computer, which is Windows

2. When I tried to pause a song, or even turn off the SoftSqueeze
player (using the Controller), the song continued as if I had not used
the Controller at all. At the time, I was standing about 6 feet from my
wireless router. The Controller works fine for my Receiver and my main
computer (i.e., SoftSqueeze running under Windows XP).

I'm curious whether padsp is actually needed in the command line--is
SoftSqueeze an OSS-only application that requires it? I do have
Pulseaudio set as my default in ALSA.

I'm also curiousas to what command I should use to shut down
SoftSqueeze on the headless server, for example, when I want to change
configuration and try something else.

I appreciate any help or insight. 

--Dean L. Surkin

Dean L. Surkin
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