PasTim;691482 Wrote: 
> Thanks a lot.  I put some rather frustrated musings on another thread
> (at
> before I found this.  I now at least have some output via Squeezeplay.
I spoke too soon.

It seems that every reboot, linux decides to re-order my card numbers
randomly (2 audio cards and a USB headset).  To make it work I have to
edit the da**ned DesktopJive.lua file every bl**dy time. :(

I am sure there a mod to alsa.conf that would fix this, if I can find
the mental energy to find out what it might be, try several variations
and test each one.


Server on PC, 2 64-bit 2Ghz CPUs, 4GB memory (1 Million times as many as
the first computer I ever programmed).  Variously running Windows 7
Ultimate, Ubuntu 11.10 and Vortexbox 2 on VirtualBox.  All FLAC files.
Touch on Ethernet (in another room).  Analogue out over 'a bit of wire'
to ageing Quad Hi-Fi. An old (wireless) laptop controls the server using
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