Triode wrote: 
> Re ALSA - squeezelite should default to 32 bits, so could you try just
> 80, or 80:::
> Is the jivelite audio menu easy to use?  Would appreciate feedback on
> that to...

I changed the ALSA parameters such that I am only defining the buffer
length [80:::], and all remains well with the audio quality after a

I do like the Audio Output Device>Optional Parameters (Advanced) menu. 
It is very good to be able to select each of the four sub-fields
independently (Buffer Size, Period Count, Alsa Format, Use Alsa MMAP)
and to be presented with sensible multiple choice values. Had I found
this screen first, I would have definitely preferred this over typing in
a set of colon separated parameters such as 40::16: or whatever. 

However, I found a small bug when I configure /etc/sysconfig/squeezelite
using the Jivelite menu. It currently encodes the Max Sample Rate using
an additional ALSA_PARAMS variable instead of encoding it using
MAX_RATE, which is what the Tomcat/Java/Web GUI code is expecting. The
following example shows the configuration file after the Jivelite code
has written it according to my preferences:

  # Updated by Community Squeeze web-gui at 2013/04/18 05:52:41 BST
  NAME="-n SqueezeliteWAND"
  MAC="-m 00:ob:fu:sc:at:ed"
  AUDIO_DEV="-o hw:CARD=M192kHz,DEV=0"
  LOG_FILE="-f /var/log/squeezelite/squeezelite.log"
  ALSA_PARAMS="-a 80:::"
  ALSA_PARAMS="-r 192000"

which causes Squeezelite_populate.action to read the ALSA_PARAMS as
192000, reading only the second line.  If I now try to fix the
parameters to my intended values using the browser configuration page, I
now get the following file, which seems correct to me:

  # Updated by Community Squeeze web-gui at 2013/04/19 05:21:48 BST
  NAME="-n SqueezeliteWAND"
  MAC="-m 00:ob:fu:sc:at:ed"
  MAX_RATE="-r 192000"
  AUDIO_DEV="-o hw:CARD=M192kHz,DEV=0"
  LOG_FILE="-f /var/log/squeezelite/squeezelite.log"
  ALSA_PARAMS="-a 80:::"

This is all I could find, otherwise I very much like the Jivelite UI
experience for updating the Audio Configuration. Very user-friendly!

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