JackOfAll wrote: 
> There are a million and one things we could be doing better...... 
> *Guys, what we really need is some more help!* Can't offer you money,
> alcohol, hardware or anything else in payment or a bribe, except maybe a
> credit with your name somewhere, or perhaps when we get to the GEN1
> stage with a limited number of 'beta' boards being produced, that we
> will get XX manufactured for public testers as well as boards produced
> for anyone who has got involved and wants one. 
> Community Squeeze isn't supposed to only be about a community of users,
> it also needs to be about a community of doers. By the community, for
> the community. The 'by the community part', needs to be more than me,
> Adrian and John!
> It's not just about coding and testing. Documentation.... Can someone
> please take the 'wandboard-quick-start-guide.pdf'
> (http://www.wandboard.org/images/downloads/wandboard-quick-start-guide.pdf)
> as a starting point and make it specific to a first time user with a
> Wandboard in one hand, getting the CSOS R3 image up and running on it?
> Can someone else go back through the 'Community Funded Squeezebox
> Replacement - Would you be interested?'
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?97881-Community-Funded-Squeezebox-Replacement-Would-you-be-interested)
> thread and pull together the posts that JS has made so far about the
> hardware side into a set of specifications that we could put on the
> website? Could we pull out a bunch of questions that have already been
> asked and answered in that thread, into a FAQ page we could put on the
> website?
> The website.... Can someone design us a website, please? Anyone with any
> web skills? I'd suggest we could do far better than the single page (by
> my own hand) that is currently the 'Community Squeeze'
> (www.communitysqueeze.org) website.
> Aside from the outside contributions for translations, the nucleus of
> what is going on here, hardware design excluded, is basically me and
> Adrian. Which is fine, or would be fine if there were 96 hours in a day.
> I cant write code, make builds, test, release, spend time working on
> business arrangements and legal (for getting the hardware produced),
> write the documentation, design the website, liase with the sysadmin,
> plus deal with a bunch of family issues I have going on at the moment,
> and have any real expectation that anything much is going to get done.

I'll do a quick start guide, but it'll have to wait until my wandboard
arrives. I'm more than happy to pull it together in Word of something
like that and so it can be revised as needed.


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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98544

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