squeezelite 1.4:

While playing back a DSF file, the music suddenly stopped. Squeezelite
is eating 100% CPU. Adding a strace does not reaveal much:

[fedora@wandboard ~]$ sudo strace -p 331
Process 331 attached
futex(0x2a6f4, FUTEX_LOCK_PI_PRIVATE, 1

squeezelite logs shows XRUNs:
[14:33:47.722196] output_thread:464 open output device: hw:CARD=SA14S1
[14:33:47.739854] alsa_open:233 opened device hw:CARD=SA14S1 using
format: S32_LE sample rate: 176400 mmap: 1
[14:33:47.740018] alsa_open:312 buffer: 35280 period: 8820 -> buffer
size: 35280 period size: 8820
[14:34:03.561559] output_thread:478 XRUN
[14:34:26.446276] output_thread:478 XRUN
[14:34:48.831865] output_thread:478 XRUN
[14:35:11.261027] output_thread:478 XRUN
[14:35:33.522215] output_thread:478 XRUN
[14:35:55.932416] output_thread:478 XRUN

Trying to restart squeezelite results in:
[14:47:55.973600] test_open:123 playback open error: Connection refused
[14:47:55.974002] output_init_alsa:640 unable to open output device

I had to restart the DAC to get things going again.

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