Triode wrote: 
> This is now available from the download location:
> Please post any feedback here

Hi Triode,

runs fine under Debian wheezy/sid and Raspbian (but i always need my
workaround for a player that did not have to plays a few hours)

ashleyw wrote: 
> hi, for ages now I've been running 3 instances of squeezelite on debian
> VMs under VMware Workstation.
> thanks!

ashleyw wrote: 
> I think the difference between our systems is that I have disabled
> pulseaudio and are using ALSA but my audio devices are the same. This
> might be why you are still seeing sync issues, so it might be worth
> doing a quick google to find out how to disable pulseaudio (I can't find
> my build notes anywhere!) but I'm certainly no expert here.

I always remove pulseaudio - its (under all debian derivates) simply
done by

  sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio
  sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio*
  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install alsa-base


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