Muzza wrote: 
> Hi Everyone
> I'm trying to install some extra programs on my picore setup. (nano,
> midnight commander and python to control a relay to be exact) so i've
> expanded the size of the partition and used tce-load -wi nano and
> installed it successfully, the done a sudo -b to save
> everything back to the sd card and rebooted but whenever I try to open
> nano i get:
> nano: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory - same error when i
> try to start mc as well.
> ncurses is installed (i tried to install it with tce but it says already
> installed)
> Anyone got any ideas what im doing wrong? Its piCore v 1.18 (not a or b)
> on a raspberry pi b+

Hi Muza,

Do a "df" to confirm you really have enough space and confirm what
extensions have been loaded.

Look at /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/onboot.lst to ensure extensions at loaded on

Does nano work immediately after you load it? (not after a reboot)

A "sudo -b" doesn't really effect extensions loaded on
/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/. Check /opt/.filetool.lst to see what gets backed

If your scripts are loaded in /home/tc then "sudo -b" will
back them up.

I have noticed by default nano doesn't cut and paste very well. Each
line gets an extra tab when pasting. Maybe there is a switch somewhere
to fix. This is a problem for python.

BTW you can control GPIOs just using a shell script.

Also, I use winSCP and Notepad++ on my PC to edit files on my
piCorePlayer. This is very convenient and allows you to sync directories
on your piCorePlayer to directories on your PC.


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