paul- wrote: 
> piCorePlayer is based on tinycore linux
> (,57.0.html) python and
> wiringPI extensions are supported by tinycore and can easily be added. 
> I added RPIO to my tinycore installation and use those modules for input
> / output.


I'm building a standalone player based on piCorePlayer, and so far it
looks very promising, but I need some help.

That comment from Paul is almost one year old, but I can't seem to find
any other references. I'd like to add RPIO to my installation, but I
can't find it in tce's repository. I did add GPIO a while ago by
downloading the module source (with wget) and compiling it, but then I
didn't know how to make it stick between reboots. The solution I found
was to add 'usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages' to .filetool.lst and
backup the image, but the boot now is taking too long for my taste.

So, my questions are: what's the right way of installing RPIO, can
anyone give me a step-by-step guide? And what should I do to make it
stick between reboots?



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