VMat wrote: 
> Hi!
> I'm building a standalone player based on piCorePlayer, and so far it
> looks very promising, but I need some help.
> That comment from Paul is almost one year old, but I can't seem to find
> any other references. I'd like to add RPIO to my installation, but I
> can't find it in tce's repository. I did add GPIO a while ago by
> downloading the module source (with wget) and compiling it, but then I
> didn't know how to make it stick between reboots. The solution I found
> was to add 'usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages' to .filetool.lst and
> backup the image, but the boot now is taking too long for my taste. And
> now I'd like to try RPIO instead.
> So, my questions are: what's the right way of installing RPIO, can
> anyone give me a step-by-step guide? And what should I do to make it
> stick between reboots?
> Thanks!
> VMat

hi VMat,

This is really a piCore issue. It seems like every tce repostitory is
different depending on the version of piCore. People usually request,
via the tinycore forum, that a tce be added to the repository.

If you start adding tce's to piCorePlayer, be aware that you will
probably need to increase the size of the second partition. piCorePlayer
is made as small as possible, with just enough space in the partition
for the standard tce's and an allowance for an insitu upgrade.

For basic GPIO options, no extra tce's are required. Just use shell
scripts and the userspace (/sys/class/gpio/).

Here's an example of controlling a relay to turn the amp off after
squeezelite stops playing for a set period.


If you mention what you are trying to do via GPIO I might be able to
point you in the right direction.


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