FatPete wrote: 
> Hi
> First up, just wanted to say thanks for creating this easy-to-use
> solution. Received my first-ever Pi 2 today and was up-and-running with
> a working player in under 5 minutes :D
> One question though - I'm trying to get squeezelite logging working, but
> nothing is being created in /tmp
> This is the squeezelite command being shown from the web interface:
> > 
  >   > /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/squeezelite-armv6hf -n "piCorePlayer" -o 
sysdefault:CARD=ALSA -a 80:::0 -r 192000 -d all=debug -f /tmp/picoreplayer.log &
> > 
> I've restarted squeezelite, and even rebooted the device (and checked
> afterwards that settings had been retained) but when I SSH into the
> server and check the contents of /tmp I can't see any log file (see
> attached screenshot)
> 17981
> I'm probably missing something really simple, but any advice
> appreciated.
> Edit: I've noticed when running the 'ps' command that the process
> arguments show /mnt/sda1/picoreplayer.log rather than what is
> specified in the command line. I'm not much of a linux person so dunno
> if this is normal.
> Thanks
> Pete

Hi thanks for finding the bug.

It seems like it still is trying to write to sda1 which is the name of
an attached USB stick. 
So for now the easiest option would be to attach a USB stick and then
reboot. Then your log will be on the USB. 
We will fix it for the next version.

If you are willing to try to fix it yourself, you will need to edit this
file using the editor vi or nano:

So use:     sudo vi /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite

change this: 
[ x"" != x"$LOGFILE" ]     && LOGFILE="-f /mnt/sda1/$LOGFILE"
[ x"" != x"$LOGFILE" ]     && LOGFILE="-f /tmp/$LOGFILE"

Save the file.
Then backup (otherwise you will loose  the changes after a reboot.) 
sudo filetool.sh -b


piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/home

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