Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Thanks Ralphy,Paul,Greg.
> The GPIO Control now works on Pi 2, Unfortunately it seems theres a
> problem though, Power On = Logic LOW on the GPIO.
> This means the Pi turns my amps off when Squeezelite is powered on and
> on when squeezelite is off.
> I was going to suggest the logic should be invertable (maybe I did) to
> make this a universal solution.
> Maybe -GN x ?
> Jeff

Hi Jeff07971,

I think you have 3 choices:

1. If you look at your previous post with the GPIO script, you will see
the command to toggle "active_low" for the GPIO.

2. Use the -S command instead and write a script to do whatever you

3. Ideally you should have a driver circuit on the GPIO to
isolate/buffer the GPIO from the outside world. This circuit could
invert the signal.


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