paul- wrote: 
> I use the optocoupled boards that have mechanical relays.  So I can just
> move a well as everyone else who I've sent the code to over
> the years.   But no worries.  When we move to wiringPi to resolve the
> potential issues of odd boards, or ease of future upgrades, I'll address
> your request.

Hi Paul thanks for that,

I'm not sure of the reasoning for the -G switch was if it was not to be
universal, if it was just for the IQAudio amp why not hard code GPIO 22

I have seen the optocoupled mech relays but they require a separate PSU
which an SSR fixes (at a price).

Anyway I'll stick what I'm using now for now. I've written a script that
installs it and makes the nessesary changes to /opt/ it also
adds some configs to config.txt which I'd still have to do anyway. I was
thinking more of other users TBH

Look forward to the future upgrades !

Best regards


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