Rikhav wrote: 
> Hi greg
> Finally did fine tune the equalizer and its sounding very good.
> Specially the glare with in some dacs can be tamed well
> But there is no way we can have values in db instead of 1 to 100?
> If values were in db it would much easy to setup the equalizer
> Is there any way to correspond the numbers 1 to 100 to db? Even if I
> know this it would help me set eq in a much better way
> Secondly, does the Picoreplayer support usb to gigabit adaptors without
> any manual changes?
> If yes, which brand of usb to gigabit adaptor goes well with
> Picoreplayer
> Thanks

a simple spreadsheet can be constructed, see attachment.

|Filename: Slider to dB.zip                                         |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20097|

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