I recently downloaded picoreplayer 2.0.5 and found the audio quality
terrible, with really bad distortion using the 3.5mm jack connected to a
heap Sony amp.

So I did some googling and investigation and in the end discovered the
distortion was due to the alsa volume level being set to 100% which gave
a DB gain of 4 DB. By running alsamixer and dropping the volume to about
86% (0 db gain) the distortion went.

Just posting this in case it is of use to anyone else, since I didn't
find this solution anywhere else. The tweaks page on the picoreplayer
has a "ALSA output level" section that tells you what to do. i think the
audio quality is better now, but I intend to get a I2S DAC connected up,
it still doesn't seem to be CD quality.

Hope that's of some use

Thanks for the software.

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