paul- wrote: 
> Tom,
> If the Pi is getting a dhcp address, then there is not much else that
> could be holding it up.  Hooking up a monitor and keyboard to the RPi is
> the easiest way to diagnose what is going on.

Man in a van wrote: 
> @TomAmes
> If you are using Edge browser it often needs   before the IP address.
> Maybe clear the browser cache
> Try Chrome or Firefox and if they don't work,  reformat the card using
> If it is a fresh download of pCP did you use a checksum checker?
> Ronnie

Thanks guys. I am up and running!

Thank you particularly for the link for the SD formatter as Windows was
giving me error messages and not allowing me to format "normally." And
thanks to both of you for steering me to an SD card problem rather than
a networking one.

Solution (imo): When I burned the image to the SD card (G: drive, for
me), after it completed successfully I got a pop-up that informed me
that Drive H could not be used successfully unless it was formatted, so
I hit "OK". This apparently created a small USB drive partition on the
SD card which was totally unexpected. The third time I burned an image I
removed the SD card without hitting OK to format the H: drive. 

I guess that was idiosyncratic to my machine or something. Sorry, I did
not check to see if there is now a USB H: drive partition on the
successful image. If it could be useful to know for future
trouble-shooting I could do that if anyone wants. If the creation of an
extra drive on the SD card is an expected occurrence, a notation should
probably be added somewhere.

Thanks again!

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