sodface wrote: 
> Roland0, thanks again for the feedback, not sure how I missed the
> --without-dps, though I'm looking at my text editor where I'd pasted the
> output of ./configure --help and I don't see the option in there?  I'll
> have to look at GM again.  If I can get it down to as few dependencies
> as you show above then it's worth another look.
This doesn't seem to be GM's configure, maybe it's gmic's ?

> I like the look of the blurred full screen background with cover art
> overlay, however, it looks terrible when the cover image is an odd sized
> png with transparency, which seems to be common with the internet radio
> stations.  I'm thinking about treating pngs differently than jpegs,
> maybe something like below??  Still gotta work the song info text out! 
> It's only been a month...

Here's a simple script including text.
Needs 'jq' (, curl, imagemagick.
Adjust hostname (raspi3-64:9000), player MAC (aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff), image

  function get_catt {
        echo $CURR|jq .$1|sed -e "s#'#ยด#g"|sed -e 's#"\(.*\)"#\1#g'
  STATUS=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
["status",0,999,"tags:acglty"]]}' "http://raspi3-64:9000/jsonrpc.js";)
  CI=$(echo ${STATUS}|jq '.result.playlist_cur_index | tonumber') 
  CURR=$(echo ${STATUS}|jq ".result.playlist_loop[$CI]")
  CID=$(get_catt id)
  curl -s -o - "http://raspi3-64:9000/music/current/cover_850x850_o";|convert 
-resize "x850" -background black -stroke blue -fill white -font DejaVu-Sans 
-pointsize 48 -gravity SouthEast -extent 1280x1080 -draw "gravity NorthWest 
text 10,10 '$(get_catt title) ($(get_catt year))' text 10,80 '$(get_catt 
album)' text 10,150 '$(get_catt artist)'"  - /tmp/lmsscreen.jpg 


|Filename: lss.jpg                                                  |

SW: 'Web UI for LMS'
| 'Playlist Editor / Generator'
| 'Music Classification'
| 'Similar Music'
| 'LMSlib2go' (
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus'
| 'Bluetooth/ALSA'
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