Hi all!
First thanks for this awesome little software! I'm using it with two
Pi3B+, one as a dedicated server and one with the Allo Boss+Volt combo
and it works perfectly.
Now I have a problems to get a PiZero into my LAN. Tried the
wpa_supplicant route and also the USB-Ethernet dongle route. Nothing
works so far and I've also read the "Adding a file named "netusb" to the
boot partition will automatically load/configure net-usb kernel
modules." but don't know what to to do with this info...
I even changed my WLAN into somthing without any numbers and whatever
fancy letters and it did not work... I'm now waiting for a mini-HDMI to
HDMI adapter and will try it as a last resort with a display and
Any other advice?

SchwarzeWolke's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=68781
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109404

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