mherger wrote: 
> Once we had a documented "standard" image I could build optimized 
> packages for these. We would know what Perl was used, thus could create
> a package with only those binaries required for this version.

The Docker base image I have used (the one in the Doliana Dockerhub
image) is a diet version of Debian, a 20Mb download called
debian:stretch-slim and it seems to be an official Debian-released
image, so seems like a good choice (unlike the properly micro Alpine
image, it uses glibc rather than MUSL). "perl -V" reports v 5.24.1 and
then (as you're no doubt aware) a very long list of compile and config

I'm not going to take a guess at which, if any, of these might help you
estimate a slimmed-down package size, but as the LMS download is about
2.5x the size of the Debian download when building from this Dockerfile,
if it's possible to reduce the LMS size it's clearly likely to have a
large effect %age-wise on the final Docker image size.

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